Next Meetup:


Allying Christians in the greater Williamson County marketplace for Jesus Christ the King.

Something is happening here in Williamson County, Texas and in our surrounding counties. Great things. God things. The rumblings of the Kingdom are shaking that which can be shaken and our King is on the move. He is stirring the hearts of His people, in the marketplace, to greater and greater obedience of faith. If you feel these rumblings and desire to build His Kingdom with us in Central Texas, let’s go.

We are contractors, grocers, financial coaches, handymen, investors, coaches, realtors, real estate investors, marketers, elders, school headmasters, web developers, landscapers, CPAs, counselors, printers, graphic designers, park designers, and that is just the start. We are entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, movers, and shakers of our own little spheres of influence and we want to be used up for the glory of King Jesus. We want all we have and all we set our hands to to be used for His glory. Nothing will we hold back. Not a talent do we wish to bury. Our Christ is for all of life for all the world.

Our culture has planted their mocking flags and claimed their territory. Many of us Christians have unfortunately come late to the party as we slowly realize that Jesus isn’t coming to rescue us from a world gone to Hell, but that He left us here to take dominion and fill this earth with the knowledge of His glory. So let’s do it.

Let’s fill this place up. Let’s watch as the light pours in and puts the darkness to flight. Let’s serve God not mammon. Let us make the best products, offer the best services, have the most integrity, love and disciple our people more liberally and generously than we think is possible. And let us do what we do with open hands and a willingness to watch it all come crashing down around us and our brothers and sisters for the glory of God whose Kingdom cannot be shaken. We are already going so come on.